Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Academics Undergraduate

교과과정의 구조

Structure of Integrated Curriculum & Degrees


통합교과과정 구조와 학위
Structure of Integrated Curriculum & Degrees

서울대학교 건축학과에서는 학사과정으로 5년제 건축학 전공(Architecture) 및 4년제 건축공학전공(Architectural Engineering) 프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 건축학전공 프로그램은 건축학사(Bachelor of Architecture) 학위과정이며, 건축공학전공 프로그램은 공학사(Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering)학위과정이다.
건축학과에서는 2016학년도 입학생부터 통합과정으로 선발하고 있으며, 1,2학년에는 각 전공의 기초적인 내용을 습득하고, 2학년(4개 학기)을 마친 학생은 ‘건축학/건축공학’ 전공배정을 통해 해당 전공과목을 이수함으로써 관심분야에 대한 보다 심층적인 학습이 이루어지게 된다.
전공분리 기준
입학 후 2학년(4학기)을 마친 학생(65학점 이상 이수자)
전공분리 심사
전공분리 기준을 충족하는 학생은 신청을 통해 전공분리 심사를 받게 된다. 전공별 학생선발은 학생의 희망에 따라 전공을 배정하되, 특정 전공의 지원자가 배정 가능 인원(30명)을 초과할 경우 학과규정과 위원회의 결정에 따라 배정하게 된다.
교과목 구성

From spring semester in 2016, Department of Architecture is accepting new students regardless of dividing Architecture and Architectural Engineering. The students who enrolled after the year of 2016 will be completing the new integrated curriculum in 1st and 2nd year to acquire the basic contents of each major, and through selection of architecture or architectural engineering in 3rd year (5th semester), students will complete the courses in depth for their majors.
Seoul National University Department of Architecture undergraduate program has a 5-year program of Architecture and 4-year program of Architectural Engineering. In undergraduate program, there are degree courses of Bachelor of Architecture for Architecture major, and Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering for Architectural Engineering major. Graduate program offers Master of Science in Architectural Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture & Architectural Engineering.
Criterion of Major Selection
Students who completed 2nd year, 4 semesters (earned minimum of 65 credits)
Evaluation of Major Selection
Students who meet the criterion for major selection will be evaluated through application process. The selection will be based on the student’s preference, however if the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number (30 students), it will be based on decision of SNU Architecture committee and department regulations
Overall Integrated Curriculum & Courses

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