Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Academics Curriculum


Advanced Building Systems Design

수업 목표
Class Policy

① 기계설비계획: 건축물에서의 난방설비, 공기조화설비, 급배수설비, 열원기기 계획시의 고려사항을 중규모 건물의 기계설비 설계를 통하여 공부하고, 건물 자동화 시스템의 적용에 따른 타당성을 공부한다.

② 전기설비계획: 건축물에서의 조명설비, 배선설비, 수변전설비, 그리고 약전설비 계획시의 고려사항을 중규모 건물의 전기설비 설계를 통하여 공부하고, office automation, telecommunication 시스템의 적용에 따른 타당성을 공부한다.

① Mechanical System Design

Through mechanical system design of buildings in moderate scale, students are to study considerations in planning heating systems, HVAC system, domestic water system, heat sources in buildings, and appropriateness of application of building automation system.

Through mechanical system design of buildings in moderate scale, students are to study considerations in planning lighting equipments, wiring system, power distribution equipment and auxiliary system in buildings, and appropriateness of application of office automation and telecommunication system.

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