Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Academics Curriculum

기초스튜디오3 (건축과 환경)

Basic Studio 3 (Architecture and Environment)

수업 목표
Class Policy

디자인/엔지니어링 교육과정의 핵심이 되는 본 스튜디오는 건축과 환경의 관계성에 초점을 맞춘다. ‘House + Creative Studios’ 프로그램을 통해 가법적이 아닌 포괄적인 접근법으로 건축적 지속가능성을 탐구한다. 학생들은 여러 디지털 모델링 툴을 응용하여, 각각의 디자인 단계(Massing, Envelope, and Interiors)에서 건축적 효과와 공학적 기능의 결합을 고려해야 한다. 예를 들어 소재의 두께, 개구(開口), 아티큘레이션, 순서 배열 등을 태양 입사각, 패시브 기법, 통풍, 채광, 음향 등에 연관 짓는 것이다. 즉, 이후 단계에서만 가능했던 공학적 계산과 피드백에 의지하지 않고, 디자인 단계에서 즉각적인 개선을 돕는 디지털 툴을 사용해 종합적으로 접근하는 것이다. 이번 학기 종국의 교육 목표는 구획 설정, 필지 디자인, 재현 기술, 이론 수립, 건축과 공학적 개념의 통합, 그리고 디지털 툴의 사용법을 익히는 데 있다.

As a core studio that integrates the Design and Engineering curriculum, the studio will focus on architecture’s relationship to the environment. Through the program of a House + Creative Studio, integrated, rather than additive approaches to sustainability will be explored. Using digital parametric tools, the three design phases of Massing, Envelope, and Interiors will combine architectural effect with engineering performance. For instance, aspects such as material thickness, articulation, apertures, and sequence will be integrated with solar geometry, passive techniques, airflow, lighting and acoustic theory, etc. The goal will be to deploy a synthetic approach that is available through digital techniques that allow direct feedback during the design process instead of relying on calculations and feedback only at the end of the process. Main pedagogical goals will include programmatic zoning, site design, representational skills, developing a design thesis, integrating architectural and engineering concepts, and gaining the digital skills for the following semester.


The terms ‘sustainability’ has many divergent and convergent definitions that range from the technical to the artistic. Even as the crises of environmental concerns continues to be of increasing importance, it is time for architects to reclaim their role in the efficacy of design in solving emerging issues of sustainable architecture.

This course will examine the role of architectural performance in its integration with architectural space-making. Through the program of an urban artist-in-residence building which includes small residences with larger art and music studios, students will be asked to converge performance-based environmental thinking with social and culturally based spatial thinking. Instead of separating these architecture and engineering logics into their separate disciplines, the studio strives to leverage spatial thinking as the lens that converges them. Therefore, the solving of technical matters will be inextricably linked to the allegory of the project: The message and reason of the project’s spatial existence will become part of its sustainable strategy.

The studio will progress in parallel with the Environmentally Engineering class. The sequence of the studio will be divided into 3 major parts: Massing will cover site planning, overall geometry, and site response in relation to solar geometry, thermal loading, and passive energy strategies. Envelope will study materiality, articulation, daylighting and views in relation to thermal comfort and energy efficiency. Finally, Interiors will cover spatial connections and sequence in relationship to lighting and acoustic theory.

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