Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Seoul National University
Department of Architecture &
Architectural Engineering
Academics Curriculum

건축전기 및 조명이론

Architectural Electricity and Lighting Theory

수업 목표
Class Policy

Learn lighting fundamentals (physics of light, sight, quantitative and qualitative nature of light) which are required to design architectural lighting systems

Understand the concepts and basic theories used in architectural lighting design

Be able to design lighting systems for commercial buildings

Be able to evaluate and analyze your lighting design (performance aspects of energy, initial cost, running cost, maintenance, control, comfort, etc.)


건축전기설비 시스템의 개념 및 공학이론을 숙지함으로써 장차 건축기계설비 혹은 전기설비 엔지니어링과 관련한 교과목을 이해하기 위한 기초지식을 터득할 뿐 아니라, 소방, 건축시공 및 구조 등의 엔지니어링 업무를 수행하기 위한 기초지식을 습득한다. 전기의 기본성질, 직류(회로법칙, 회로분석), 교류(회로법칙, 주파수, 유효치, 상, 임피던스, 전력과 역률, 전압과 전압강하, 회로분석), 전력기기(발전기, 전동기, 변압기, 인버터 및 정류기, 모터콘트롤센터), 조명의 물리적 특성(광속, 광도, 조도 및 휘도), 광조사이론 등과 같이 건축물에 공급되는 전기 및 전기회로의 기본개념과 조명이론을 배우며, 조명설계방법(루멘법 및 점촉법)과 같은 실제 전기설비에서의 응용을 배운다.

This course is focused on understanding the basic concepts and engineering theory of electrical systems in buildings so as to provide students not only with the elementary knowledge required for advanced courses in mechanical and/or electrical system engineering, but also with the basic information for engineering consulting in fire protection, structural design and construction. In this course we will study the basic concepts of electricity & electrical circuits, lighting theory & lighting design method in buildings, which include the following: the basic properties of electricity, direct current(circuit laws, circuit analysis), alternating current(circuit laws, frequency, effective value, phase, impedance, power & power factor, voltage & voltage drop, circuit analysis), power equipment(generator, motor, transformer, inverter & rectifier, MCC), physics of light(illumination, luminous intensity, luminance and brightness), and luminous radiative transfer. We will also examine the methods of applying electrical systems to buildings such as lighting design methods(lumen method, point method).

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